Friday, January 13, 2012

Pleaser (11/366)

Pleaser (11/366) by elawgrrl
Pleaser (11/366), a photo by elawgrrl on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
A Lemuria themed Wednesday with super sweet mail treasure with new Lemuria t-shirts and news that recording for the new Lemuria record is underway. #htymp

LEMURIA - "Pleaser"

I am hinting hard
I am a hard hinter
I am a pleaser
And I am hinting hard

I never feel understood
I never feel
And I understand why

I am hinting hard
I am a hard hinter
I am a pleaser
And I am hinting hard

Pleaser, pleaser
Pleaser, pleaser

I am hinting hard
I am a hard hinter
I am a pleaser
And I am hinting hard

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